Search For Accredited Contractors
Search our list of prequalified suppliers by entering a company name below. We'll scan our database instantly and return a list of contractors that match your search. You'll see the company name, its level of CHAS accreditation and the town/city it operates in.
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At CHAS we're committed to helping businesses ensure compliance and mitigate risks across their supply chains. With industry-leading accreditation schemes and supply chain risk management services, we connect clients with prequalified suppliers that have demonstrated compliance across a wide range of areas.
We can help you find contractors that support the safety, sustainability and compliance status of your supply chain.
Using the search tool on this page, you can search our database of prequalified suppliers and find accredited builders and contractors that hold a valid CHAS accreditation. Just enter a company name and you can check its level of accreditation to make sure it meets your project requirements.
For more information such as the expiry date of a contractor's accreditation, their trade and contact details, you can sign up for access to our free Client Portal.
With a free CHAS Client membership, you'll also gain access to:
- Leading supply chain risk management services.
- A user-friendly dashboard displaying the compliance status of your projects and supply chain operations.
- Live updates if there are any changes to the compliance of your supply chain.
- Unrestricted access to over 35,000 prequalified CHAS Contractors.

The CHAS Client Portal
When you sign up for access to the CHAS Client Portal, you'll gain unrestricted access to our database of over 32,500+ accredited contractors.
You can search our list of prequalified suppliers to find an accredited contractor that meets your project requirements and holds your desired level of accreditation, from CHAS Standard to CHAS Elite (The Common Assessment Standard). The CHAS Client Portal makes it easy to find the most suitable contractors for your projects.
You'll also have access to a user-friendly dashboard displaying an overview of your entire supply chain and the compliance status of your contractors.
From your dashboard, you can manage contractors, sign up for additional CHAS supply chain risk management services and get dedicated support from our award-winning team.

Explore the CHAS Client Portal features
Live Dashboard
Geographical Search
Jobs Board
Dedicated Support